Wrap up summer and Launch into the new year, joining emerging adults from across Tasmania, to think deeply about God's word and how to share in Christ's mission locally and globally. A generous mix of thoughtful and deep preaching, teaching and practical training, with social activities and tasty dinners.
Whether new to uni or returning, taking a gap year or entering into the workforce, Launch is a great way to lay biblical foundations, establish healthy spiritual patterns and learn practical ministry skills for your daily life.
We want Launch to be a great place to make new friends, get connected and work out together what your faith looks like in the next phase of your life.
- DATE: Tuesday 17th - Thursday 19th February 2026
- LOCATION: @ Wellspring Anglican Church building (corner of Lord st and Grosvenor)
- $120 FULL conference (dinners, drinks & snacks incl. Tues & Wed lunches D.I.Y.)
- $70 Tuesday and Wednesday evening only (incl. workshop, dinner, main evening session and supper)
- $35 SINGLE evening only (incl. workshop, dinner, main evening session and supper)
- Non-residential conference, with ample parking and disabled access
- Accommodation: free billeting upon request (for those outside southern Tasmania)
In partnership with
Church Missionary Society, Tasmania |
The Vision 100 Network |